I am an experienced consultant on projects related to research design, institutional structure, collaboration-building, technical capabilities of instrumentation, communicating research to lay audiences, and end-user experience of systems and instruments. I also act as a paid statistical consultant for survey-based consumer research.
My hourly consulting fee is $150 for non-profit and $300 for profit.

I am available for media inquiries by emailing jlowery@marian.edu. Examples of news pieces to which I have contributed are below.
Marian University Assistant Professor of Mathematics Shines With Graphic Science, Technology, Engineering, Health Professions (STEM) Education Novel (link)
Marian University Professor Awarded $1.1 Million National Science Foundation Career Grant (link)
Rachael Meckley, MS, Shines In Recognition By The Bio-safety Administrators Association (link)
Meet Marian University's College of Osteopathic Medicine's Student Researcher of the Year—Ashley Orr (link)
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine Receives $100,000 Research Grant from the American Osteopathic Association (link)
Marian University Professor Publishes Epilepsy and Seizure Work (link)
Marian University Professor and Students Jump to federally-funded Frog Research (link)