I feel called to higher education leadership in order to better influence and execute a vision of student-focused, career-minded, transformational education that changes lives and betters society. My leadership style is soaked in the mindset that we are all learners at various points in our journey. I am goal-driven, team-oriented, and person-first with the belief that creativity is at its best when diversity of experience, background, and thought is valued.
The activities below represent some of my leadership experiences and contains both current and former activities.
Scholarly Learning Learning Communities Initiative (link) - This initiative seeks to increase research capacity among MU Scholars through integration of scholarly activity across disciplines so that learners – students, faculty, and staff – explore “big” questions that address major problems in society. This innovative approach will reduce barriers between fields, academic programs, and colleges or schools so that insights may be shared from each learner’s unique perspective.
Convivium Initiative - In this program, I draw inspiration from the Latin word convivium, which describes “feasting on the joy derived from shared lives.” The Marian University Convivium Initiative seeks to invigorate a robust sense of community among the faculty through intentional reflection on our mission in the Catholic and Franciscan Intellectual Traditions. Through coffeehouse-style events, workshops, and writing, we invite our colleagues to reflect upon the prompt “What do you really teach?”. Through our shared passion of teaching in Catholic higher education, we will cultivate a joy-filled community in which the distinctiveness, vitality, and innate dignity of every person is celebrated and shared.
Path to R2 Task Force - This task force is charged with examining current and projected activities that are used by the American Council on Education for the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education for determining research designations.
Task Force for a Thriving Faculty - The purpose of the task force was charged with assessing strategies to support, retain, and evaluate MU faculty in order to build a dynamic, thriving faculty body.
Promotion & Tenure Committee
Vice President of the Faculty Association
- Accreditation Steering Committee (DO Program) and Team Chair
Board of Trustees Facilities Subcommittee
Board of Trustees Institutional Advancement Committee
Search Committee Chairperson (multiple positions)
Curricular Development and Management:
Curriculum development for MS in Biomedical Science Program
Chairperson, Graduate Studies Committee
Course director for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
Content expert for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
Course director for Dental Residency Program
Research Development & Oversight:
Acquisition of NIH/OLAW Federal Assurance
IBC-RMS database management
Faculty Lead for Research Development
Responsible Conduct of Research Coordinator
Chief Advisor for Research Opportunity Development
Director of Research Laboratories
Chairperson of the MU-COM Research Committee
Faculty Sponsor of the MU-COM Research Club
Professional Service:
Editor in chief, Clinical & Translational Metabolism (Springer Nature)
Member of the ASBMR Ambassadors Subcommittee
ASBMR Science Policy Committee Bone & Joint Ambassador
- Co-Chairperson of the ASBMR Membership Engagement Committee
Chairperson of the Cell Biology Section of the Indiana Academy of Science
Member of the ASBMR Finance Committee
Co-Chairperson of the ASBMR Early Stage Investigator Subcommittee
Councilor for the Indiana Physiological Society
ASBMR Enhancing Clinical & Basic Interactions Team
Ad hoc peer reviewer
Ad hoc grant reviewer